Love One Another Capital Campaign

Campaign and Project Update 7/14/24
Based on parishioner feedback from the Sept. 2022 survey, the Pastoral Council has explored options to update, beautify, and increase the comfort of our church. The top 4 parishioner priorities are noted below with information the council presented on July 13-14:
  • Walls/Painting
    • Repair plaster
    • Fresh paint and stenciling to new color scheme
    • Estimated cost - $215,000
  • Flooring
    • Luxury vinyl tile in main area
    • Ceramic tile in sanctuary
    • Estimated cost - $55,000
  • Pews
    • Update pews: darker color and new kneelers
    • Estimated cost - $120,000
  • Air Conditioning
    • Ductless heat pump system
    • Estimated cost - $50,000

We are currently short of our fundraising goal to complete the entire project by the middle of next year. Based on logistics, it's ideal to complete all parts of the project together.

Through the Love One Another Capital Campaign, Resurrection Parish has received pledges in the amount of $289,355, which will be fulfilled over a 5-year period. Of that total, our Parish will receive $218,170. (The remaining $71,185 will be used by the Archdioecese to fund their initiatives that were part of the campaign.)

Please prayerful consider additional contributions to the Resurrection Parish Building Fund to help us meet our goal to fund this redecorating project. 

The Pastoral Council would love your feedback! Use the designated box at the back of church or electronically submit your feedback by emailing by the end of July.

Campaign and Project Update 5/28/24

Resurrection Parish has received pledges in the amount of $289,355 which will be fulfilled over a 5-year period.  Of that total, our Parish will receive $218,170 and 100% of any future donations. 

Over the past several months, we have been meeting with a decorator and reviewing options for the paint scheme, flooring, and pews.  We received a proposed rendering and are awaiting quotes for painting and flooring.   A social gathering will be held in June to share the proposed rendering and preliminary costs with parishioners.

Thank you for your patience.  We look forward to getting together with all of you soon.  

Resurrection Parish Council

Campaign and Project Cost Update 12/08/2023 (printable copy)

Progress Update

Our Goal: $158,190 (This goal was set by the Archdiocese)
Pledged to Date: $289,355 (as of 12/08/23 Campaign Update)
Percent Goal Pledged: 183% 

NOTE: Because we have reached 125% of our goal, 100% of all future pledge dollars will remain with our parish to be used toward our parish needs. 

Here is the pledge breakdown:

Funds Pledged and Redeemed Up To Parish Share Archdiocese Share
Parish Goal 60% 40%
100%-125% of parish goal 80% 20%
Over 125% of goal 100% -

Pledges are payable over five (5) years. The parish's net portion of pledges as of 11/17/23 is $210,295 (with the assumption all pledges will be fulfilled).  

The Parish share of the funds from these pledges will go toward our parish needs:

  • Painting the church interior
  • Updating the aging pews
  • Replacing the carpet

Please note, there is not a direct relationship between the amount of pledges received and the cost of the projects noted above. The Pastoral Council is in the beginning stages of working with a design committee to determine the scope and estimated costs of these projects.

The Archdiocese share of the funds from these pledges as of 11/17/23 is $71,185 (with the assumption all pledges will be fulfilled). It will go toward Catholic ministries for:

  • Saint Francis de Sales Seminary with support for our Seminarians, Priests, Deacons and lay ministers.
  • Catholic education and formation support for our children and adults
  • Charitable outreach of the Church for the poor and those in need
  • Supporting vital ministries throughout the Archdiocese of Milwaukee and specific funds for rural parishes.

Please pray for the continued success of the Love One Another Campaign.

Thank you for your generosity and faithfulness to the Love One Another Campaign.

Frequently Asked Questions about Pledges

Who is being asked to pledge to the Love One Another Campaign?

All households in all parishes of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee will be asked to prayerfully consider a five-year commitment

Why does the campaign request five-year pledges?

Pledges payable over five years allow families to budget their contributions in monthly or annual payments. Most of us can make larger commitments over time than we might be able to all-at-once. Five-year pledges help ensure we can meet our parish's campaign goal and fund the needs of the parish and important Catholic ministries in our 1- counties of southeastern Wisconsin.

When do pledge payments begin?

Each family determines the timing and frequency of their pledge payments and how payments are made.

Campaign Prayer

Almighty and ever living God, we thank you for your blessings in our life.
We praise you for your goodness and generosity.
Help us to live as stewards of your grace and love that through prayerful work and sacrifice
we may bring your love to our families, parish, and community.
We humbly pray for strength and fortitude to follow your great commission: to go make disciples of all people,
living our faith through word and deed.
Inspire in your people generous hearts to strengthen the mission of our parish,
to serve those in need, to support vocations,
and to educate our children through the Love One Another Campaign.
Guide us in this important campaign, watch over our efforts to help build your Kingdom here on Earth, 
and give us joy in serving Your and Your Church now and forever.

Love One Another - Bulletin Article | Five-Year Pledges (May 21, 2023)
Love One Another - Bulletin Article | Parish Needs (May 7, 2023)
Love One Another Kick-Off Weekend (April 29-30)
Letter from Fr. Rick introducing our parish campaign and the needs it will fund.

For more information about the campaign, visit the Archdiocese Love One Another Campaign page.